Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tacoma Bills Military For Cost Of Anti-War Protest

Now you can protest against the military, and the military will have to pick up the bill?

You can view the video of the protest here. Make sure you pay attention to the protesters shouting "Your Sergeant is a duesh-bag."

Now the city of Tacoma, WA is sending a bill to the military to cover some of the costs of the 12 day protest.

Tacoma police say last month's 12-day anti-war protests cost the city an unbudgeted $500,000 to provide a large-scale law enforcement presence.

The rough estimate covers overtime, regular compensation, equipment and food for hundreds of workers from Tacoma police and other agencies, Assistant Chief Bob Sheehan said.

The city plans to ask the Port of Tacoma and the military to cover some of the costs.

"That's a tremendous hit on our budget -- a half-million dollars of unexpected expense," said Tacoma Mayor Bill Baarsma, adding that the military would get the first invoice.

"I think our request is justifiable," Baarsma said. "I would expect that we would be reimbursed. I would be surprised if we weren't."

You'll notice that no protesters have been sent a bill. There were a couple dozen arrests ... including some for third degree assault. Why don't those arrested get part of the bill?

What about charging the people who applied for, and received the permit to protest? I haven't been able to find out if there was a permit for the protest, but it seems that one was required. According to the Tacoma Municipal Code, Title 11, Section 11.15.030: the only exeption for getting a permit for protesting is lawful picketing on sidewalks. Were the protesters on sidewalks? If they weren't, and they had more than 50 people, a permit was required. If a permit was issued then they should get the bill.


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