How selfish can you get? This story comes just a couple of days as Nevada's legislature passed two conflicting bills. One allows illegal aliens to get the Millennium Scholarship, and the other doesn't. Now they have to sort it out, but we know which one will win in the end.
Enter this story from our local paper ...
Review Journal:
Guzman faces a problem that could make it more difficult to reach her goal: Although she is in the United States legally, she isn't a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident.
If a bill passed by the state Senate this week is approved by the Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Jim Gibbons, she won't be able to get a price break on CCSN tuition or receive a Millennium Scholarship.
Awwww ... cry me a river. While I have absolutely no problem with this girl because she is in the US legally ... the Nevada taxpayers have no obligation to pay for her college. We set up the Millennium Scholarship to help Nevada citizens go to college. This girl has applied for permanent residency, and her father has already received it. My problem isn't necessarily with people like her.
In the RJ Wednesday officials said that no more than 94 illegals received the scholarship. They made it seem like no big deal, but that's 94 American kids that missed out on thousands of dollars for college because some illegal got it instead.
They are making this out to be more than it is. The bill banning the scholarship to illegals, if passed, can be amended for legal residents, but it shouldn't be. We've already had the scholarship fund run out a couple of times because it is given to illegals instead of Americans.
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