This was actually expected to happen so don't look so surprised. It's not because of her increasingly ludicrous statements, however. It is because she has been getting offers to have her own show again, and an ego like hers can't pass that opportunity up. Clearly ABC tried to prevent her from leaving The View, and going solo. Rosie, however, had other ideas.
ABC has been unable to come to a contractual agreement with Rosie O'Donnell. As a result, her hosting duties on "The View" will come to an end mid-June.
"They wanted me three years, I wanted one year, and it just didn't work," said O'Donnell on today's show.
It also appears that Rosie will not go away completely, but be a regular special guest.
Those fans don't have to worry -- she will still be on the show in smaller doses.
"I'm not going away. I'm just not going to be here every day," added O'Donnell.
All in all a minor victory that will be short lived.
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