No one will notice this, and bring it to your attention ... so I will. Today was Knut's debut to the public at the Berlin Zoo, and Reuters covered the story along with just about every other media outlet out there. No big deal ... I know. However, six paragraphs in you see this:
Knut's fate grabbed global attention after an animal rights campaigner said hand-rearing polar bears was a violation of animal rights. German media interpreted his comments as a call for Knut to be put to sleep.
Reuters can't even cover a polar bear cub without falsifying the story! The German media had no choice but to interpret Frank Albrecht's comments (and others) as a call for Knut to be killed. The Daily Mail did the story here, and I did it here.
- Animal rights activists argue that he should be given a lethal injection rather than brought up suffering the humiliation of being treated as a domestic pet.
- "The zoo must kill the bear," said spokesman Frank Albrecht."
- "In actual fact, the zoo needs to kill the bear cub," Albrecht said.
- "The mistake has been made. One should have had the courage to put him to sleep much earlier," said Wolfram Graf-Rudolf, director of the Aachen Zoo. Reported by SPIEGEL.
To have two activists openly call for the murder of little, cute Knut is in no way an interpretation ... it is a fact! Why is it so hard for Reuters to report simple, well-known facts? What is so hard about writing that some animal rights activists lobbied for Knut to be killed? Maybe Reuters was secretly pulling for the murder of our little Knut, and now they are doing damage control for the radicals who called for it.
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